l 無色透明液體。含去污劑、光亮劑
l 能清潔并擦亮不銹鋼、鍍鉻制品和其它磨光金屬制品,使金屬制品光潔美觀。使用本品能在金屬表面留下一層保護(hù)膜,更易于下次清洗
l 用原液噴灑,再用干抹布擦拭直至光亮。噴灑時(shí)不宜過多
Stainless steel cleaner and polish
l Colorless transparent liquid. Contain detergent and brightener.
l Can clean and polish the stainless steel, chromium-plating and other metal wares, and simultaneously to form a protective membrane on the surface and make it easy for next cleaning.
l Spray a certain amount of the cleaner, then wipe until bright.
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