EN ISO 1716:2002 建筑材料燃燒熱值的測定
EN ISO 1716:2002 --Reaction to fire tests for building products - Determination of the heat of combustion
在標準條件下,將特定質(zhì)量的試樣置于一個體積恒定的氧彈量熱儀中,測量試樣燃燒熱值,氧彈量熱儀用標準苯甲酸進行校準。在標準條件下,試驗以測試溫升為基礎,在考慮所有熱損失及汽化潛熱的條件下,計算試樣的燃燒熱值。與EN ISO 1716:2002這個測試標準相關的等級評估是A1, A2, A1fl 和 A2fl。
Calorific value (BS EN ISO 1716)
This test determines the potential maximum total heat release by a product when complete combustion occurs, regardless of its end use. The test is relevant for the classes A1, A2, A1fl and A2fl.