Mouth Simu*ator Type 44AA
Product Data an* Specificati*ns
Features/Uses ■ Freq*e*c* *esponse checks of: ○ *e*ep*one transmitte*s ○ communi*ation *icrophones
■ Sound source for acoustic mea*uremen*s
■ Minimum-continuous SPL at MRP: ○ 1*0*B re. 20µPa, 2*0H* to 6kH* ○ *ypically 100d*, *00Hz to 16kH* ■ Complies wi*h Sta*d*rds: ○ IEEE 2*9, 661 ○ ITU T Rec. **1 ■ Bui*t-in power *mpl*fier or e*t*rnal po*er amplifier
The G.R.A.S. M*ut* Simulator Type ***A (Fig. 1) is a *ound source whi*h simulat*s the sound fie*d around the huma* mo*th at close quar*ers and co*- pl*es with t** Standa*ds *EEE 269, 661 a*d **U-T Rec. P5*.
The Type 44AA is f*r *esting te*ephone mout*pieces as well as o*her *icrophones s*mil*rl* used *n vocal- co*mu*i*ation net*ork*. At the mouth re*erence point (MRP), which is 25mm f*om the detachab*e *i* r*ng (*5mm f*om t** 44AA's mouth), the m*n*- mum-c*ntinuous e*ualised **g*al it can produce in ?-octa*e band* i* 100dB re. 2*µ*a *n th* frequen*y range 100** to 16kHz. *ts loud*peaker ac*epts *n externa* signal e*ther d*rectly or **a its own b*ilt-in power am*lifie* (w*en power is applied).
Two jig* *re inc*uded for calibrating *he Typ* *4AA according to a) CCITT P.*1 and b) Fp* IEEE 269.
a) CCITT P.51
The ji* for th*s *ses eithe* a ¼-inch or ½-i*ch p*e*sur* microphone (e.*. G.R.A.S. Type 40BP G.R.A.S. So*nd & Vibrat*on |