機場護欄網(wǎng)稱作“Y型安全防御護網(wǎng)”,機場護欄網(wǎng)是由V型支架立拄、加強型焊接片網(wǎng)、安全防盜連接件和熱鍍鋅刀片刺籠組成,是強度和安全防御性級別很高的圍界產品。The airport guard rail net is called as “the Y safe defense protecting wire net”, the airport guard rail net is stands by V support leans on, strengthens welds the contact tag net, the safe security bridge piece and the pot galvanize bit punctures the cage to be composed, is the intensity and the security defensive rank very high encircles the product. 機場護欄網(wǎng)被廣泛應用在機場、軍事基地等高安全場所。這種護欄網(wǎng)的突出特點就是美觀實用、安全性高、防攀爬能力好,網(wǎng)體連接方式采用特制SBS緊扣件,有效防止人為的破壞性拆卸,橫向四道折彎加強筋,使網(wǎng)面強度顯著增加。安平縣遠通噴涂絲網(wǎng)廠是一家專業(yè)致力于各種公路護欄網(wǎng)、鐵路護欄網(wǎng)、框網(wǎng)、機場護欄、絲印網(wǎng)、防眩網(wǎng)護欄、美格網(wǎng)護欄、浸塑電焊網(wǎng)、隔離柵及防風抑塵網(wǎng)、電焊網(wǎng)、鋼筋焊接網(wǎng)等的生產與經(jīng)營的企業(yè)。擁有兩條大型全自動噴塑浸塑生產線,全自動電腦焊網(wǎng)機組、聯(lián)合壓力機、折彎機等多臺輔助設備,具備大批量生產能力。年產高速公路、鐵路、機場、市政、園林等系列護欄網(wǎng)百萬平米,產品具有防腐、耐老化、耐酸堿、不褪色、表面平整光亮、手感舒適、外形美觀等特點。
1. 本產品具有美觀、實用、方便運輸和安裝的特點。
2. 在安裝時地形適應性強,與立柱連接位隨地面起伏可上下調整;
3. 在護欄網(wǎng)橫向四道折彎加強筋,在整體成本增加不多的同時,使網(wǎng)面強度和美感顯著增加,是目前國內外最受歡迎的隔離網(wǎng)之一。1. This product has the characteristic which artistic, practical, transports conveniently and installs. 2. When installs terrain compatible, may adjust up and down with the column connection position along with the accident of the ground; 3. In guard rail net crosswise four knee bend stiffener, while the overall cost increases not many, causes the net surface intensity and the esthetic sense obviously increases, is one which of isolation networks present domestic and foreign most receives welcome.