錄像眼鏡攝像眼鏡 太陽眼鏡帶迷你DV錄像機MP3播放器和藍牙耳機
這款產(chǎn)品很好的融合了太陽眼鏡,錄像監(jiān)控設備,數(shù)碼攝像機, MP3播放器,藍牙耳機功能于一體。真正實現(xiàn)了無手操作,方便記錄。 這款看上去與普通太陽眼鏡外表上沒多大差別,其實在酷酷的眼鏡中間隱藏一個錄像頭。與其它錄像設備不同的是,它方便人們再也不用手舉著攝像機來攝像了。人們可以盡情地邊爬山邊攝像,邊釣魚邊攝像 邊拍生日宴會邊吃蛋糕,邊聽課邊錄筆記。有首詩能證明這一切:攝像眼鏡頭上戴,無須手舉攝像來;邊看邊攝形象靚,攝盡人間無窮愛!另外它還帶有MP3播放器,藍牙耳機手機電話接打功能.
工廠生產(chǎn)制造廠家低價批發(fā),錄像眼鏡,攝像眼鏡,高清錄像眼鏡,視頻眼鏡,錄音眼鏡,可錄眼鏡,007眼鏡錄像機,偷拍眼鏡,暗訪眼鏡, MP3眼鏡,藍牙眼鏡,拍照眼鏡,太陽眼鏡帶數(shù)碼相機,***, DV眼鏡, 眼鏡DV, 錄象眼鏡,攝象眼鏡,錄像眼睛,攝像眼睛,
Mobile Eyewear Recorder Eye Glasses DVR -- Camera Glasses DV Camcorder with TF Card Slot
This normal but cool looking sunglasses cleverly hides 1 cameras in the middle of sunglasses,Just press the power switch; it begins to record color video with sound and storage the video at the memory card in it.No need any cable to connect with them. And press the camera swtich button, you can record the views from the middle as the picture, no need to stare at the objects directly, which makes it ultra discreet!
Best tool for the spy work! And it brings much more fun! Moreover,support super long working time!
It’s ideal for the security personnel, law enforcement agencies, journalists to fulfill the undercover assignments, like evidence collection, hidden investigation and surveillance, etc. It is also great as a toy for hobby enthusiasts, as body worn solutions.