適用范圍 Application
■1區(qū)、2區(qū)危險場所。 ■ⅡA、ⅡB IIC類爆炸性氣體環(huán)境。 ■注:要求IIC類時注明. ◆Can be used in Zone 1 and Zone 2 dangerous places. ◆Can be used in IIA、IIB、IICgroup explosive atmosphere. ◆Notice:Please note if need IIC grade needed.

型號含義 Main technical parameters

主要技術(shù)參數(shù) Main technical parameters
回路數(shù) 額定電壓(A) 總開關(guān)電流(A) 支路電流(A) 防爆標(biāo)志 防護等級 防腐等級 Circuit number Rated voltage Main current Branch current Ex-mark Protection grade Corrosion-proof grade
Exde II BT6 IP54 2,3,4,6,8 380 ≤400 ≤160 *Exde II CT6 *IP55 WF1
產(chǎn)品特點 Features
■適合于控制多臺電動機,還可以照明或儀表配出電源. ◆ A ble to control several motors,also to supply power for illuminating of instrument. ■鑄鋁合金或鋼板焊接外殼,表面噴塑. ◆ The shell is made of diacasted A1-alloy or welded stell plates with plastic-sprayed surface. ■內(nèi)裝元件可根據(jù)用戶要求選配. ◆ Inner components can be selected by user. ■可在箱面或遠(yuǎn)控操作,也可兩地操作. ◆ Local or remote control is available,or both. ■具有過載,短路,失壓保護. ◆ With protections of overload,short-circuit,and voltage-absent. ■鋼管或電纜布線均可. ◆ Suitable for steel pipe and cable wiring. ■符合GB3836-2000,IEC60079標(biāo)準(zhǔn)要求. ◆ Suitable for GB3836-2000,IEC60079 standard request.
訂貨須知 Notice if ordering
訂貨時請將支路數(shù)及各支路對應(yīng) If ordering,The number of branch and its relative current of circuits shall be 的電流,進出線口數(shù)量及相應(yīng)的 indicated,also the imlet and outlet numbers and their directions,specifications 方向,規(guī)格要求明確,如有總開關(guān) specifications,lf want a chief switch,please note its current or offer drawing. 并注明總開關(guān)的電流大小或提供 圖紙.
產(chǎn)品結(jié)構(gòu) Structure of product
規(guī)格 內(nèi)裝元件 結(jié)構(gòu)類型 備注 Specification Inner components Struchre type Remark
小型斷路器交流接觸器,萬能轉(zhuǎn)換 采用模塊式結(jié)構(gòu), 支路電流 開關(guān),熱繼電器. 實現(xiàn)多回路自由組合. 小于63A *可根據(jù)要求加裝,電流表和互感器. Modular structure, 進線線口數(shù)量及 Branch current not MCB,AC Contactor Seletor, several ciruits can 規(guī)格根據(jù) more than 63A thermal relay.Possible to add be freely combined. 用戶要求制定 ammeter and CT as requird. Inlet number and specification are determined by user. 塑殼斷路器,交流接觸器,萬能轉(zhuǎn) 采用大殼體組合 支路電流 換開關(guān),熱繼電器. Big enclosure 大于63A MCCB,AC Contactor, combined. Branch current selector,thermal relay.
外形及安裝舉例 Outline and mounting example


外形示意圖(IIB) 6回路Outline sketch six circuits
外形示意圖(IIC)6l回路Outline sketch six cicrcuits


一回路 二回路 一回路 二回路
一回路 二回路 一回路 二回路 共同控制回路圖
Sketchof together-controlledcircuit