中賽儀器庫存大量各種高頻儀器現(xiàn)貨特價出售中--本公司長期現(xiàn)金大量高價回收各種高頻儀器;如-網絡分析儀-視/ 音頻分析儀-信號發(fā)生器-頻譜分析儀-手機綜合測試儀 阻抗分析儀 LCR電橋 示波器 高壓測試儀靜電放電發(fā)生器等等…..儀器聯(lián)糸人;張彬*/*電話;*傳真; *
·Data only for 50Ω test sets.For 75Ω test sets and further details please refer to data sheet PD 757.1802.23.Unless otherwise stated,specifications apply to test ports PORT 1 and PORT2,a nominal source power of -10dBm at the test port and an IF bandwidth≤10kHz
·The arrow marks important data.
·Frequency range,measurement speed,dynamic range
·Frequency range
·Without External Measurements option
·with passive test set 50Ω or 75Ω|9kHz to 4Ghz
·with active test set 50Ω or 75Ω|300kHz to 4GHz
·with active test set 50Ω|20kHz to 8GHz
·With External Measurement option
·ZVRL,ZVRE,ZVR|10Hz to 4Ghz
·ZVCE,ZVC|20kHz to 8Ghz
·Relative frequency ·deviation|<2*10^-6+1*10^-6/a
·Measurement speed(above 2Mhz)
·Number of points|1 to 2001(selectable)
·Measurement time per point|IF bandwidth(IFBW) 3kHz 10kHz 26kHz
with system errorcorrection <1.50μs <460μs <330μs
normalized <530μs <230μs <190μs
Fast Mode
with systemerror correction - - <240μs
normalized - - <125μs
·Dynamic range(without system error correction)
·(models ZVRL and ZVRE:at IF bandwidth 10Hz values are reduced by 5dB) IF bandwidth
With passive test set 50Ω 10Hz 3kHz 10kHz
20kHz to 20MHz >65dB,
typ.>110dB - -
200kHz to 20MHz >110dB >90dB >85dB
20MHz to 3Ghz >120dB >100dB >95dB
3Ghz to 4Ghz >110dB >90dB >85dB
With active test set 50Ω
300kHz to 1Mhz >107dB >87dB >82dB
1MHz to 20MHz >110dB >90dB >85dB
20MHz to 3Ghz >120dB >100dB >95dB
3Ghz to 4Ghz >110dB >90dB >85dB
With External Measurements option
50Hz to 200kHz >75dB - -
200kHzto 20MHz >110dB >95dB >90dB
20MHz to 1Ghz >130dB >110dB >105dB
1Ghz to 3Ghz >120dB >100dB >95dB
3Ghz to 4Ghz >110dB >95dB >90dB
·(mode ZVCE:at IF bandwidth 10Hz values are reduced by 5dB)
With active test set 50Ω
20kHz to 200kHz >60dB, - -
200kHzto 20MHz >100dB >80dB >75dB
20Mhz to 3Ghz >120dB >100dB >95dB
3Ghz to 4Ghz >110dB >90dB >85dB
4Ghz to 6Ghz >105dB >85dB >80dB
6Ghz to 8Ghz >100dB >80dB >75dB
With External/Measurements option
20kHz to 200kHz >75dB - -
200kHz to 20Mhz >110dB >95dB >90dB
20MHz to 1GHz >130dB >110dB >105dB
1Ghz to 3Ghz >120dB >100dB >95dB
3Ghz to 4Ghz >110dB >95dB >90dB
4GHz to 6GHz >105dB >90dB >85dB
6Ghz t o8GHz >100dB >85dB >80dB
Stability of measurement trace
per degree temperaturevariation
<0.05dBor 0.4°
ZVCE,ZVC <0.1 dB or 1°
Measurement bandwidth
(IF bandwidth IFBW) 1Hz to 10kHz (half-decade steps)
and 26kHz(full)
·Measurement accuracy
·The following data are valid between 20℃ and 30℃ provided the instrument has reached thermal equilibrium (about 1 h after switch-on)and the tempera-ture has not varied by more than 1 degree after calibration.
·ZVRE and ZVR(bidirectional network analyzers)
·Accuracy of transmission measurements after full two-part system error cor-rection(TOSM)
·Specificaitons are based on a matched DUT and refer to a nominal source power of -10dBm at the test port.
·With test set 50Ω 300kHz to 4Ghz
at IF bandwidth 10Hz
·for+10dB to +3dB|<1dB or 6°
·for+3dB to -5dB|<0.2dB or 1°
·for -5dB to -60dB(passive|<0.05dB or 0.4°
·for-5dB to -60dB(active)|0.2dB or 1°
·for+3dB to -40dB|typ.<0.025dB
·for-60dB to -70dB|<0.2dB or 1°
·for-70dB to -80dB(ZVRE)|<1dB or 6°
·for-70dB to -85dB(ZVR)|<1dB or 6°
·Accuracy of reflection measurements
·after system error correction (TOSM or full one-port)
·Specificaitons are based on an isolationg DUT and refer to a nominal source power of - ·10dBm at the test port.
·With test set 50Ω
·It is assumed that the return loss of the match used for calibration is >46dB(effective system data:directivity Deff>46dB,test port match Seff>30dB).
·20kHz to 4Ghz(passive test set),
·300kHz to 4GHz(active test set)
·for+10dB to +3dB|<1dB or 6°
·for+3dB to -15dB|<0.4dB +0.04dB/Ghz,<3°+0.4°/Ghz
·for-15dB to -25dB|<1dB or 6°
·for-25dB to -35dB|<3dB or 20°
·Accuracy of transmission measurements
·after full two-part system error correction(TOSM)
·Specifications are based on a matched DUT and refer to a nominal source power of -20dBm at the test port.
·10MHz to 4Ghz
·at IF bandwidth 10Hz
·for +10dB to +3dB|<1dB or 6°
·for+3dB to -50dB|<0.2dB or 1°
·for+3dB to -40dB|typ.<0.025dB
·for-50dB to -60dB|<0.5dB or 4°
·for-60dB to -70dB(ZVCE)|<1dB or 6°
·for-60dB to -75dB(ZVC)|<1dB or 6°
4Ghz to 8Ghz
·at IF bandwidth 10Hz
·for+10dB to +3dB|<1dB or 6°
·for+3dB to -45dB|<0.2dB or 2°
·for+3dB to -40dB |typ.<0.025dB
·for-45dB to -55dB(ZVCE)|<1dB or 6°
·for-45dB to -60dB(ZVC)|<1dB or 6°
·Accuracy of reflection measurements
·after system error correction (TOSM or full one-port)
·Specifications are based on an isolaitng DUT and refer to a nominal source power of -20dBm at the test port.
·It is assumed that the return loss of the match used for calibration is >40dB(effective system data:directivity Deff>40dB,test port match Seff>30dB).
·20kHz to 8Ghz
·for+10dB to +3dB|<1dB or 6°
·for+3dB to - ·10dB|<0.4dB+0.04dB/GHz,<3°_0.4°/Ghz
·for=\-10dB to -20dB|<1dB or 6°
·for-20dB to -30dB|<3dB or 20°
·ZVRL(unidirectional network analyzer)
·Accuracy of transmission measurements
·after system error correction (one-path two-port)
·Specifications are based on a matched DUT and refer to a nominal source power of -10dBm at the test port.
·With test set 50Ω
·It is assumed that the return loss of the match used for calibration is >46dB(effective system data:directivity Deff>46dB,test port match Seff>30dB).
·20khz to 4Ghz
·for+10dB to +3dB|<1dB or 6°
·for+3dB to -15dB?|<0.4dB +0.04dB/Ghz,<3° +0.4°/Ghz
·for-15dB to -25dB|<2dB or 6°
·for-25dB to -35dB|<3dB or 20°
·Effective system characteristics(above 200kHz)
·These data are valid between 20℃ and 30℃ provided the instrument has reached thermal equilibrium(about 1h after swithc-on)and the temperature variations is not more than 1 degree after calibration.
ZVRE,ZVR,ZVCE,ZVC(bidirectional network analyzers)
·After full two-port system error correction(TOSM) ZVRE,ZVR ZVCE,ZVC
Direcivity >46dB^1) >40dB^2)