http://wangdongyan000.cn.alibaba.com 傳真:0556-8453245 郵箱:wangdongyan000@163.com手機:15855647895
Our factory is located in domestic only "brush industry base" center - qianshan source tam brush industry base. Our product can supply industries with brush roller, mechanical nc punch flat brush, impeller, also involving paint brush, roller brush production processing.
At present our factory also advocates take some customers need to change hair, plastic bags overhaul old roller recovery efficiency processing for the customer, thus saving some unnecessary spending, reduce unnecessary waste.
Long-term since we put the earth as a production processing customer department, customer trust and demand is our weight of survival.
We are ready to playing for your next production tasks.
Our factory mainly produce the industrial use brush, polishing machine cloth wheel, sandblasting machine brush, peen-forming cleaning machine, steel cleaning brush roller brush roller, color tile machine brush roller, flat brush, rubber roller, wash version machine brush, copper wire, wire brush roller, brush wheel, brick machine brush, brush the block-forming machine, steel wire brush, sponge nylon mix water roller, battery, the battery stucco had painted. Mainly used in the electronics industry, metallurgy industry, food, glass industry, printing, textile YinRanYe, leather manufacturing, timber, Musical Instruments, polishing cloth round, leather polishing cloth round, environmental sanitation industry, fruit and vegetable cleaning wax wait for some grinding QingXiYe with brush roller etc.
Major products applicable to:
Textile YinRanYe: cotton machine, comber, carding machine, pull picture machine, spinning, steel wire, Laura, brush fleece machine, singeing wax machine use brush roller; All kinds of stenters brush with wool wheel, needle plate, needle board seat, knives, chain, suck hair grain buckles and hand the brush, with bamboo BanShua.
Steel QingXiYe: peen-forming cleaning machine, steel brush roller brush roller cleaning equipment, carbon fiber mill brush roller, sueding machine brush roller
Leather manufacturing, shoe: exfoliating and denitration skin, powder, waxing machine use brush roller, dozen thick machine brown wheel, bristle wheel, sisal wheel, hairs wheel, with the sun round sealant with glue, glue toothbrush, polishing cloth round, wool wheel, cloth, leather leather belt, mechanical brush with the wire wheel, styling brush roller, needle plate.
Wood, furniture metal industry: all kinds of sanding machine brush, brush, spelling dryer with brush roller trigger dust; All the planer, there are fingerskrouters with rods brush; Polishing with wooden brown brush, Musical Instruments, polishing cloth round, iron clip cloth wheel, steel wire wheel, copper wire wheel; With a paintbrush brushing oil, wool brush.
Glass industry: plane cleaning brush with wool roller, rubber roller, bibulous rods, bearing box; Flour-milling, grinding side use brush roller.
Packaging machinery: packaging machinery brush, rubber roller.
Electronics: circuit board with rods spring cleaning brush roller, sponge bibulous stick.
Printing: machine with spring brush roller, rubber roller, various bar brush.
Turning: a wire brush or copper wire brush, YouShua, wool brush, disc brush, brush with bamboo to hand.
Food: fruit and vegetable wax cleaning brush with wool roller, clear powder machine, bottle-washing, gear machine brush, brush with bamboo to hand. Industry with brush or alien fittings.
Sanitation industry: esau vehicle plastic silk road disc brush, wear-resisting steel wire, wire brush disk. Power plants, chemical wastewater treatment systems use brush roller.
In addition, our company also can also according to customer requirements needed to produce, yi ke to chart directional reference samples customization.
Report! Hello! Our long-term commitment to production industries brush, roller, hope to cooperate with your company. Please send relevant material requirements, I will send to I place the first check and make the most preferential price reply! Thank you! (bother place, please burke!)
Fax: http://wangdongyan000.cn.alibaba.com 0556-8453245 mailbox: wangdongyan000@163.com mobile: 15855647895