該產(chǎn)品 適用于DNA基因擴增實驗,亦用于醫(yī)療衛(wèi)生、環(huán)保、農(nóng)牧等行業(yè)及大專院校和科研單位的實驗室設(shè)備。同時作1-3種不同溫度的恒溫試驗和輔助加熱。
Its applicable in gene amplification experiment used in medial and health. Agriculture and forestry schools and R&D research institutes meanwhile. It also can be used for homeothermal experiments and assistant heating with 1-3 kinds of different temperature values.
*三組控溫器均采用先進的微電腦智能溫度控制,具有PID自整定、雙LED數(shù)字顯示和菜單式多個控制參數(shù)設(shè)置功能,帶有獨立限溫報警系統(tǒng)、超過限止溫度時會自動報警并斷電保護。確保實驗安全運行,不發(fā)生意外。并帶有0-9999分鐘時間 設(shè)定功能??販馗_、操作方便、溫度示值顯示準確直觀。
Construction features:
* Sets up with 3 groups of independent water tank and relevant temperature control device. Which individually have functions of temperature esetting. Controlling and temperature – exce eded alarming.
* Adopts mini-computer intellectual temperature control. Which possesses functions of PID automatic setting dual LED digital display and menu multiple control parameter installation. To make temperature control more precise and convenient. Displayed values more accurate and direct. And plus alarming and switching of action and 0 – 9999min timing function.
主要技術(shù)指標: Primary technical indexes:
* 控 溫 范 圍: Temperature contral scope: 37 ℃-99.9 ℃
當室溫高于34℃時:室溫+3 ℃-99.9 ℃
When the amen temperature higher than 34℃.Its RT+3 ℃-99.9 ℃
* 溫 度 波 動: Temperature flctuation: ± 0.5 ℃
* 溫度均勻度: Temperature contral : ± .5℃
* 額定功率(KW):Rated power (KW) : 0.37
* 電 壓 / 電 源: Voltage / powe : 220V±10% / 50HZ+2%
* 工作室尺寸(cm):Size of work room ( cm ) : 14×16.8×11.5---三孔
* 外形尺寸(cm):Outine Size ( cm ) : 50×30×31
*包裝尺寸(cm): Package Size ( cm ) : 58×35×38
*凈重/毛重(Kg): Net /gross weight ( kg ) : 9 / 14