BYS61-SP平臺立桿式圓筒型全塑防爆熒光燈 |
產品訂購電話 15888440958/0577 62683010 BYS61-SP平臺立桿式圓筒型全塑防爆熒光燈用于易燃易爆場所完全工作,用于各種室內,外工作場所,中國煤炭行業(yè),中石油,中石化,中海油,電力,治金,鐵路,鋼鐵,船舶,部隊,航空航天,公安消防,化工,政府部門,場館,交通運輸,及大型企業(yè)固定照明燈的適用需要。 | BYS61-SP 平臺立桿式圓筒型全塑防爆熒光燈適用范圍 .爆炸性氣體混合物危險場所;1區(qū) 2區(qū) .爆炸性氣體混合物;IIA IIB IIC .溫度組別;T1~T5 .戶內 戶外(IP55,IP65可按用戶要求達到)。 Application For the dangreous sites with explosive air mixture: 1division 2division Flammable gas,steam class:ⅡA ⅡB ⅡC Temperature classification:T1-T5 Indoor and outdoor(IP65) | | BYS61-SP 平臺立桿式圓筒型全塑防爆熒光燈型號含義 Model Meaning
BYS61-SP 平臺立桿式圓筒型全塑防爆熒光燈外形尺寸 Outline dimension
BYS61-SP 平臺立桿式圓筒型全塑防爆熒光燈產品特點 .玻璃纖維增強不飽和聚酯樹脂兩端外殼,造形新穎 .聚碳酸脂透明園筒型燈罩,永不變形,永不進水 .鍍鋅鋼管燈桿,表面噴塑 .長臂燈桿,光照面大,效率高 .具有強度高 耐沖擊 防爆性能好 防腐蝕 抗靜電等優(yōu)點 .具有獨特自然,是21世紀更新換代新產品 .電纜布線 Features; 。The shell mould-shaped by fibrous glass reinforced and unsaturated ployster-resin 。Polycarbonated and transparent lampshade 。The lamppost is of Zinc-plated steelpipe with plastic-sprayed surface 。Long arm light pole big illumination area and high efficiency 。The vantages of high-strength impact-resistance corrosion-proof and static electricity resistance 。Adopts cable wiring BYS61-SP 平臺立桿式圓筒型全塑防爆熒光燈主要技術數據 Main Technical Parameters 光源種類 Lunminous source sorts | 功率 Power (W) | 電壓 Voltage (V) | 防護等級 Protection category | 防爆標志 Explosion- proof marker | 防腐等級Corrosion- proof grade | 電纜外徑 Cable s outside diameter (mm) | 熒光燈 Fluorescent lamp | 20x2 40x2 | AC220 | IP65 | Exed II CT5 | WF2 | φ10 | |