Amsterdam tooling company the brand of RMST?From the selection of raw materi to tis design,manufacture and coating are complete made in Holland,We RMST? make our every effort to offer high quality and high performance carbide end mills collections to all of our clients,and furthermore,according to your andy special requests,we can customize it for you.
High quality is guaranteed to our customers,and the foundation of our quality assur-ance comes from European advanced equipments,professional technicians,and perfect and integ after-sales service.
HRC60度系列:2/4刃鎢鋼平底立銑刀, 2/4刃鎢鋼平底立銑刀(加長型),鎢鋼球頭銑刀,鎢鋼球頭銑刀(加長型),二刃微小徑平底銑刀(0.3—3.0),微小徑深溝專用銑刀(0.5—5),鋁合金專用鎢鋼立銑刀,圓鼻鎢鋼銑刀,鋁合金專用鎢鋼立銑刀。
HRC70度系列:高速機專用鎢鋼2/4刃平底立銑刀, 高速機專用鎢鋼2/4刃平底立銑刀(加長型),高速機專用六刃鎢鋼平底銑刀,高速機專用鎢鋼球頭銑刀,高速機專用鎢鋼球頭銑刀(加長型),高速機專用圓鼻鎢鋼銑刀,高速機微小徑深溝專用銑刀, 高速機專用二刃微小徑平底銑刀(0.3—3.0),以上均有常備庫存.可提供樣本支持