Interpolation Circuit GC-IPl000B
angular measurement systems with sine-shaped
output signals with a 900 phase shift. It can be op-
erated at a large number of transducer systems
working according to the most varied measuring
principles. With a maximum interpolation rate of
1000 therc is capable to slit the input signal peri-
od into up t0 1000 segments. An internal counter
provides a counting value which can be output via
a serial interface. Furthermore there is the possibility to output the data as a pair of square waves
for processing externally.
The GC-IPl000B is ideal for single chip interpolation systems, micro-computer based measuring
devices, as well as multi channel systems. Proprietary automatic gain and offset regulation, as well
as the possibility of an analogue phase correction ensure a high measuring precision under industri-
al conditions. An integrated measuring value trigger enables the use in real-time applications.