Migration kit for Bailey Network90 and INFI90 systems connects I/O terminations of Bailey systems to CENTUM CS 3000 without changing existing ?eld wiring.
l Minimization of the Construction Cost
Field wiring and I/O terminations of the existing system remain intact thus saving the User’s previous investment.
l Shortening of Process Downtime
Without changes in ?led wiring and I/O terminations, the need for loop checking is eliminated. Furthermore, all control logic can be debugged in advance by using CENTUM’s standard software tool, virtual test function. Therefore, proc- ess down time and test runs are minimized.
Migrating from your existing control system to the latest CENTUM CS 3000 system brings several opportunities for employing operational excellence, IT technology, new automation strategies and new business directions.
The Bailey Network90 and INFI90 systems provide regulatory control, sequence control, an I/O monitoring and so on. I/O signal of Bailey systems is connected to screw terminal-type termination unit (Bailey model: NTxxxx) or compres- sion terminal-type termination module (Bailey model: NIxxxx). Both termination unit and module can be connected to CENTUM I/O module, using existing ?eld wiring. When I/O signal is connected to termination unit, termination module is connected to CENTUM I/O module with a special cable or a marshaling board. When I/O signal is connected to termination module, existing unit for termination module is replaced with AEXBNU, Yokogaw’s unit for termination module. AEXBNU can be easily mounted to a space where existing termination module is removed. A connector to receive signals from termination module is mounted to AEXBNU, and AEXBNU connector is connected to CENTUM I/O module with a special cable, or a special cable and a marshaling board.
Marshalling Board
Model Description
AEXBLC-S10 Marshalling Board for Controller module
AEXBLM-S10 Marshalling Board for IMLMM02/NLMM01/NLMM02
AEXBD8-S10 Marshalling Board for IMDSM05/NDSM05
Unit for Termination Module
Model Description
AEXBNU-S10 Unit for Termination modules
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