英文名:Rosemary Essential Oil (Spanish)
植物部位: 草
Botanical Name: Rosmarinus Officinalis
Plant Part: Herb
Extraction Method: Steam Distilled
Origin: Spain
Description: An aromatic shrub, Rosmarinus officinalis has scaly bark and dense, leathery needlelike leaves. Tiny pale blue blossoms abound from December through spring. Rosemary can grow to heights of five to six feet (close to 2 meters) in height.
Color: Colorless to pale yellow liquid.
Common Uses: Rosemary Spanish Essential Oil stimulates cell renewal and improves dry or mature skin, easing lines and wrinkles. It can also clear acne, blemishes or dull dry skin by fighting bacteria and regulating oil secretions. It improves circulation and can reduce the appearance of broken capillaries and varicose veins. Rosemary Essential Oil helps to overcome mental fatigue and sluggishness by stimulating and strengthening the entire nervous system. It enhances mental clarity while aiding alertness and concentration. Rosemary Oil can help you cope with stressful conditions and see things from a clearer perspective.
Consistency: Thin
Note: Top
Strength of Aroma: Strong
Strength of Aroma: Strong
Blends well with: Basil, Bergamot, Cedarwood, Frankincense, Ginger, Lemon, Orange and Peppermint.
Aromatic Scent: Rosemary Spanish Essential Oil has a strong, clear, penetrating, camphoraceous and herbaceous aroma.
Cautions: Rosemary Spanish Essential Oil is generally non-toxic and non-sensitizing. It is not suitable for people with epilepsy or high blood pressure. Avoid in pregnancy since it is an emmenagogue.
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