MS9710C 利用一個比別的優(yōu)越, 穩(wěn)定和可靠的衍射光柵 (暫時未有專利),容易而精確地測量 WDM 設備和系統(tǒng)。
MS9710C 在波長的準確性為: +/-20pm (C-頻帶) 和 +/-50pm (L-頻帶)
新的! MS9710C 選擇 15: 由 1520 至 1620nm 的波長準確性為 +/-20pm
0.2nm 偏移在 >42dB 的動態(tài)范圍(MS9710C)
頻寬分辨率 (FWHM) 為 50pm (MS9710C)
對波長,電平和 SNR 的 WDM 測量達 256 個通道
提供 MS9710B 的低價版本
Fiber | 10/125 μm SM fiber (IU-T .652) |
Optical connector*^1 | User replaceable:FC,SC,ST,DIN,HMS-10/A Factory option(not user replaceable):E200-PC,E2000-APC,FC-APC,SC-APC,HRL-10 |
Wavelength | Range:600 to 1750 nm Accuracy:±20pm[1530 to 1570nm,reslution:0.05 to 0.2nm,after WI Cal (Ref)] ±50pm [1520 to 1530nm,1570 to 1620nm resolution:0.05 to 0.2 nm,after WICal (Ref)] ±200pm [1530 to 1570nm,after WI Cal (Ext)] ±300pm [600 to 1530nm,1570 to 1750nm,after WI Cal (Ext)] Stability:±5pm(1min,smoothing:11 points,at half-width center wavelength) Wavelength readout resoution:5 pm Resolution accuracy*^2 ±2.2%(1530 to 1570nm,resolution:0.5nm),±3%(1530 to 1570nm,reslution:0.2nm) ±7%(1530 to 1570nm ,reslution:0.2nm),±4%(1520 to 1530nm,1570 to 1620nm ,reslution:0.5nm) ±5%(1520 to 1530nm,1570 to 1620 nm)reslolution:0.2nm )±10%(1520 to 1530nm 1570 to 1620nm,resolution:0.5nm) ±7%(other wavelength,resolution:0.5nm),±15%(other wavelength,resoltion:0.2nm) ±30 %(other wavelength,resolution:.0.1nm) |
Level | Measurement range(resolution:≥0.07nm ,VBW:10Hz ,sweepaveraging:10 times): -65 to +10 dBm(600 to 1000nm , 0° to 30℃,optical attenuator:off) -85 to +10 dBm(1000 to 1250nm,0° to 30℃,optical attenuator:off) -90 to +10 dBm(1250 to 1600nm , 0° to 30℃,optical attenuator:off) -75 to +10 dBm(1600 to 1700nm , 0° to 30℃,optical attenuator:off) -55 to +10 dBm(1700 to 1750nm , 0° to 30℃,optical attenuator:off) -60 to +10 dBm(600 to 1600nm , 0° to 30℃,optical attenuator:off) -80 to +10 dBm(1000 to 1250 nm , 0° to 30℃,optical attenuator:off) -85 to +10 dBm(1250 to1600nm , 0° to 30℃,optical attenuator:off) -70 to +10 dBm(1600 to 1700nm , 0° to 30℃,optical attenuator:off) -50 to +10 dBm(1700 to1750nm , 0° to 30℃,optical attenuator:off) -70 to +23 dBm(1100 to1600nm , 0° to 30℃,optical attenuator:on) -63 to +23 dBm(1100 to1600nm ,30° to 50℃,optical attenuator:on) Accuracy:±0.4dB (1300/1500min ,input:-23 dBm resolution:≥0.1nm) Stability:±0.02B (1min resolution:≥0.1nm input:-23 dBm,no polarization shift) Linearity:±0.05dB (1550 nm,-50 to 0 dBm,optical attenuator:off )±0.05dB(1550nm,-30 to +20 dBm,optical attenuator:on) Flatness:±0.5nm,optiocal attenuator:off (measured with ML9050A StandardOptica Power Meter) |
Polarization dependency | ±0.05dB(1550/1600nm),±0.1dB(1300nm)*Setting resolution:≥0.5nm |
Dynamic range*^3 | <span styl |