A device powered by solar energy, making use of ultrasonic waves to repel harmful rodents (snake, etc.)
By emitting ultrasonic waves, the Solar snake Repeller drives away underground rodents and reptile very effectively. The ultrasonic waves will irritate them, simulate danger, and repel them away from the irradiated area. Ultrasonic is divided into five frequency models, they are 30 seconds. 35 seconds. 40 seconds. 45 seconds. 50 seconds, once happen 4 seconds of Di. Di sound, in turn cycle work. Snake repeller LED lights when the solar panels charging or have light it will automatically close. When the solar panels do not charge or night time the LED light automatically open. After open the LED light ,it will divided into two modes: keep lighting and flashing (every time for 30 minutes)., the Solar snake Repeller is effective within an area of 650 square meters.
The Solar snake Repeller radiates in all directions. Avoid any obstruction and let the ultrasonic waves be emitted freely. To make the best use of the product, we strongly recommend an installation of 2 devices at every 30 meters for ground areas frequented by rodents.
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