Multiple Configuration Options:
(4) Dual Redundant 1553 Channels
(16) Receive 429 Channels
(4) Transmit 429 Channels
(2) RS-232 Serial IO Channels
(2) RS-422/485 Serial IO Channels
(6) User-Programmable Digital I/O's
IRIG-B Time Code Input
48-bit / 1μs Time Stamp
IRIG 106 Chapter 10 Monitor Format
DMA Engine for Low CPU and PCI Utilization
E2MA BC/RT/MT Architecture
API Compatible with DDC’s Enhanced Mini-ACE? BU-69090S Library
1 MB Memory w/parity per 1553 Channel
Built In Self Test
VxWorks?, Linux? & Windows? 2000/XP Support
王先生 13572872688