Leefay licensing agent honeysuckle own buymore rest, there is no chemical fertilizer and pesticide pollution, very goodquality. 2.69 dollars a glass mounted metal cover (58 net because restrictionscan only send a positive integer price, wrote three dollars), selling 4 dollarsa bottle in some parHoneysucklets of Guangxi, in Wuhan, people usually pharmacies sell 3.8dollars a bottle 340-ml. Probably average volume diameter 5CM * 14CM, yellowand green, the atmosphere exquisite beauty, embodies a certain aesthetic. Wuhan from a supermarketPlace. should be. Beautiful gifts, food, real products, creative and unparalleledanyone to share! Full of high-tech features, both classical aesthetic,beautiful. FuLiRiverunique charm!
Honeysuckle main effect: cool detoxification;nourishing stomach, eyes, skin.
Delicious sweet and delicious, home essential,full of playful, anti-corrosion, medium size, dainty, cute, love, cute ......gift, his collection, the yield essential teaching and research, makeexperiments! Help you a good taste of life, cool anti-heat, anti-virus,detoxification, restore health, help you forget the troubles of suffering, goodluck, security and peace ......
The above information I just make every effortto fill, more professional to me, if errors, omissions, please Keguan more youforgive, to all legal and ethical to interpretation.
Please understand that it knows! All law andmorality as the yardstick!
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