Leefayagency brand to buy their own black rice more than the rest, there is nochemical fertilizer and pesticide pollution, good quality, nutritious thanwhite rice to eat anti-hungry, about two bowls of white rice was the equivalentof a bowl of black rice, I the opinion of. 4.09 dollars a pound, because oflimitations of 58 net positive integer can only send price 5 dollars a pound,so stay aware. The average volume of about 1.2 cm length * diameter of 0.1 cm,black, when washing a little fade, including cooking time a little fade.Atmospheric exquisite beauty, embodies a certain aesthetic. Beautiful gift,rare food (once the export special items, non-institutional difficult forpeople to eat), real products, creative and unparalleled anyone to share! Fullof high-tech features, both classical aesthetic, beautiful. FuLiRiver unique charm!
Themain effect of black rice: delicious, blood, warm-up.
Delicioussweet and delicious, home essential, full of playful, anti-corrosion, mediumsize ...... gift, their own food, make glutinous rice and other essentialIchiban! Help you a good taste of life, healing, restoring health, help youforget the troubles of suffering, good luck, security and peace ...... not sendyou money!
Theabove information I just make every effort to fill, more professional to me, iferrors, omissions, please Keguan more you forgive, to all legal and ethical tointerpretation.
Pleaseunderstand that it knows! All law and morality as the yardstick!