VNC1L - Vinculum USB Host Controller Device.
The VNC1L USB Host Controller ICs not only handle the USB Host Interface, and data transfer functions but owing to the inbuilt 8/32-bit MCU and embedded Flash memory, VNC1L encapsulates the USB device classes as well. When interfacing to mass storage devices such as USB Flash drives, VNC1L also transparently handles the FAT file structure communicating via UART, SPI or parallel FIFO interfaces via a simple to implement command set. The VNC1L device features two USB Ports which can be individually configured by firmware as Host or Slave ports.
VNC1L brings cost effective USB Host capability to products that previously did not have the hardware resources available. We anticipate that these devices will be especially popular for adding USB Flash drive connectivity to a wide range of consumer and industrial products. As VNC1L comes complete with FTDI's in-house developed firmware, there are no USB software stacks to license, indeed, no knowledge of USB is required to use these devices.