7075鋁棒 進口7075鋁棒 7075-T651鋁棒 7075-t651模具用鋁棒 超硬鋁棒7075-T6 美鋁7075-T6鋁棒 7075-T7451鋁棒 美鋁凱撒7075-T6511鋁板 美國芬可樂7075-T6鋁板 AA7075鋁薄板 表面打字進口7075鋁板 7075-T6511進口鋁板 如何快速找到我們?(誠信經(jīng)營ALCOA鋁材代理經(jīng)銷商) 7075鋁板_7075航空鋁板_進口航空鋁 沈陽7075鋁板-沈陽7075鋁材-沈陽7 遼寧7075鋁板-遼寧7075鋁材-遼寧7 南京7075鋁板-南京7075鋁材-南京7 7075鋁合金板-進口鋁合金7075 AA7075鋁板價格-AA7075鋁材價格-AA7 7075-T651_美鋁7075T7651_ALLOY7075T7651 美鋁7075_美鋁7075T651價格-美鋁707 航空鋁7075-航空鋁A7075-航空鋁AL7 象山7075鋁板-象山7075鋁材-象山7 臺州7075鋁板-臺州7075鋁材-臺州7 海寧7075鋁板-海寧7075鋁材-海寧7 北京7075鋁板-北京7075鋁材-北京7 福建7075鋁板-福建7075鋁材-福建7 江西7075鋁板-江西7075鋁材-江西7 陜西7075鋁板-陜西7075鋁材-陜西7 浙江7075鋁板-浙江7075鋁材-浙江7 山東7075鋁板-山東7075鋁材-山東7 太倉7075鋁板-太倉7075T651鋁材-太倉 上海浦東7075鋁板-上海浦東7075鋁材 ALLOY 7075進口美國鋁棒(實物實圖拍照,盜用必究) 航空鋁7075熱處理及物理性能 Introduced by Alcoa in 1943, alloy 7075 has been the standard workhorse 7XXX series alloy within the aerospace industry ever since. It was the first successful Al-Zn-Mg-Cu high strength alloy using the beneficial effects of the alloying addition of chromium to develop good stress-corrosion cracking resistance in sheet products. Although other 7XXX alloys have since been developed with improved specificproperties, alloy 7075 remains the baseline with a good balance of properties required for aerospace applications. Alloy 7075 is available in bare and alclad sheet and plate product forms in the annealed state as well as several tempers of the T6, T73 and T76 types. and corrosion resistance are required. Typical applications are alclad skin sheet, structural plate components up to 4 inches in thickness and general aluminum aerospace applications. CHEMICAL COMPOSTTTION LIMITS (WT. %) Si . . . . . . . . . . . 0.40 Zn . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1-6.1 Fe . . . . . . . . . . . 0.50 Ti . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.20 Cu . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2-2.0 Others, each . . . . 0.5 Mn . . . . . . . . . . . 0.30 Others, total . . . . 0.15 Mg . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1-2.9 Balance, Aluminum Cr . . . . . . . . . . . 0.18-0.28 Note: Value maximum if range not shown. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES ALCLAD 7075 Two side cladding. Nominal cladding thickness is 4% on gauges under 0.062 in. (1.57 mm); 2.5% on gauges over 0.062 in. (1.57 mm). Property values for one side clad material are similar (not shown). All values are minimum long transverse mechanical properties except where noted. 1. 我們有自己的倉庫,在保稅區(qū)也設有倉庫,幫助客戶存儲需要的材料。 借助于我們對產(chǎn)品的多年的經(jīng)驗和對行業(yè)的了解,我們會努力去幫您找到您需要的最合適的材料,并且以最快的速度,最有競爭力的價格供應您。 我們保持美鋁公司核心精神,一直在致力于關于環(huán)境保護的切實工作: 尊敬的閣下,首先非常榮幸以及感謝閣下的光臨,關於香港歐標集團EMARK,作為美國ALCOA鋁業(yè) 更多詳情請登入唯一官方認證誠信網(wǎng)站:www.美鋁代理商.cn 美鋁ALCOA防偽辨認請登入:http://www.xn--mnqp9mz42alhkk3z.cn/service/315.html 電 話:86-0769-81581800 86-0769-81582130 傳 真:86-0769-27204330 銷售貳:15362016706 銷售叁:13302618533 銷售伍:13712350963 銷售陸:13556665532 MSN:emark1688@hotmail.com 電子郵件:emark0406@163.com 網(wǎng) 址:www.美鋁代理商.cn相關產(chǎn)品:
Alloy 7075 sheet and plate products have application throughout aircraft and aerospace structures where a combination of high strength with moderate toughness 無后顧之憂的備貨準備,我們有實力!
2. 我司東莞、香港兩地備有大量現(xiàn)貨庫存1500余噸,規(guī)格齊全,完全符合美國鋁業(yè)協(xié)會AA標準。倉庫大量的的現(xiàn)貨包括:AA6061-T651板、條、棒材;AA7075-T651、T7351板、棒材;7050-T7451板材;7475-T7351板材;AA2024-T351板、棒材;AA5052H32卷、板材;AA5083-H321、H116板材等,約600余種規(guī)格品種。可接受所有規(guī)格的訂貨、備貨以及保稅業(yè)務等,并可按客戶所需尺寸裁切供貨。其中進口航空鋁7075、7050 厚板(150MM以上)更是專業(yè)供應。
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