基石左志飛 QQ498830638推出最新產(chǎn)品吸水珠/深圳水晶泥/北京水晶珠/
沈陽基石雙龍化工有限公司15242421223銷售水晶泥,北京水晶花泥,青島基石水晶珠,基石雙龍吸水珠,深圳吸水水晶球,沈陽基石吸水樹脂,基石雙龍膨脹玩具,QQ498830638魔石,會下蛋的石頭,石頭媽媽,石頭寶寶,海洋寶寶,吉林水精靈,海精靈,固體氧珠,氧珠,神奇水精靈 海精靈 海洋寶寶 美人魚基石雙龍氧氣珠,廣州固體氧,彩虹沙,采砂,上海果凍蠟原料,北京天津塊狀水晶泥,廣東珠狀水晶泥,沈陽基石不規(guī)則水晶泥冰花土,黑龍江高透明水晶泥,www.2004w.com 半透明水晶泥,山東掉色水晶珠,基石雙龍不掉色水晶珠,廣東深圳不掉色不竄色水晶珠,汶川多彩水晶泥,多彩高透明水晶泥,廣州多彩不掉色不竄色水晶泥,浙江義烏五彩水晶泥,五彩吸水水晶球,淘金俏冤家
水晶花泥吸水性強,充分吸水后重量可達自身重量的40-80倍,水晶花泥可廣泛應(yīng)用于各類室內(nèi)植物栽種。水晶花泥適宜種植喜歡陰濕、適水性強的室內(nèi)觀葉類植物或室內(nèi)水培植物,如富貴竹、金邊富貴竹、銀邊富貴竹、龜背竹、小天使、金邊金錢、 紅鐵、金邊鐵、銀邊鐵、五彩鐵、萬年青、瑪麗安、皇冠、黑美人、一帆風(fēng)順、紅掌、金邊吊蘭、金枝玉葉、綠寶石、虎紋蘭、紫背萬年青等,水晶花泥應(yīng)用場合多:日常家居綠化、辦公室綠化、公共場合裝飾等,水晶泥無毒無味,清潔環(huán)保,美觀耐用,水晶泥可重復(fù)循環(huán)使用
我們生產(chǎn)的果凍蠟原料顏色鮮艷,色彩豐富。顏色有:紅 黃 藍 綠 紫 粉 橙 透明。您可以制作出想要的任意的形狀和效果的果凍蠟出來。我們研制的最新產(chǎn)品都是無煙的,經(jīng)營剔透,色彩鮮艷。歡迎批量訂購我公司的產(chǎn)品,QQ498830638 電話15242421223MSN jsmachina@hotmail.com 我公司經(jīng)營的其他產(chǎn)品還有沈陽基石水晶泥,沈陽基石水晶珠,沈陽基石珠狀高吸水樹脂-基石雙龍水晶泥,沈陽基石雙龍水晶泥系列產(chǎn)品,神奇水精靈 海精靈 海洋寶寶 美人魚魔石。吸水珠 吸水球 水晶珠 水晶球
電影 寫真 愛情 股票 攝影 房價 自拍 文學(xué) 軍事 歷史
Manufacture supply newest crystal soil., crystal bead, crystal ball, water gel ball. SAP super absorbent polymer QQ498830638 jsmachina@hotmail.com our products can bring you a lot of profits, which is easy to deal with, can double your income,the project is work with crystal soil. crystal soil has three kinds of shapes. pearl cube irregular.colors are as rainbow alcy, red yellow blue green purple pink orange transparent and so on. you also can order what you like, the quantity shoule be more than 100kgs.
Super absorbent Polymer >> Crystal Soil Introduction:
Non-fade Round Crystal Soil is round pearl, which can inflate 120-180 times of its own weight. This kind of Crystal Soil can be used at several areas. Firstly, it can be used in agriculture. Secondly, it can be used as air-cleaner, because it can counteract with the free ammonia in the air, which makes our home much cleaner and more comfortable.
Structure:Round pearl cross-linked by strong hydrophilic macromolecule.
Property:Crystal Soil is a kind of carrier, which can absorb and save water for a long time. It is glittering and translucent after absorbing enough water as crystal ball. Elasticity-good, diaphaneity-high, color-many. It can jump several times after throw it away, and it can stay well.
Contact: annie jsmachina@hotmail.com