KKV主打產(chǎn)品貨架 kkv精品集合店 kkv零售快時(shí)尚
廣州市八千里貨架有限公司,專(zhuān)業(yè)生產(chǎn)定制服裝貨架,飾品貨架,服裝貨架產(chǎn)品現(xiàn)貨:KKV貨架,F(xiàn)UNLINK樂(lè)遇貨架,KM男裝貨架,卡門(mén)服裝貨架,快時(shí)尚男裝貨架,HM男裝貨架,GXG男裝貨架,GAP男裝貨架,ZARA男裝貨架,ZARA女裝貨架,博斯紳威男裝貨架,迪柯尼男裝貨架,路卡迪龍男裝貨架, 佛倫斯男裝貨架,迪萊男裝貨架,卡奴迪路男裝貨架,佛倫迪奴男裝貨架,NOME家居貨架,NOME女裝貨架,oce家居貨架,飾品貨架現(xiàn)貨:伶俐飾品貨架,lenle飾品貨架,綠黨飾品貨架,名創(chuàng)優(yōu)品貨架,戀慧優(yōu)品貨架,尚優(yōu)凡品貨架,韓尚優(yōu)品貨架,遇見(jiàn)你的美飾品貨 架,三福貨架,The green party飾品貨架,哎呀呀飾品貨架,2元店貨架,9.9飾品貨架,2358韓國(guó)休閑百貨貨架,母嬰店貨架,家紡貨架,更多貨架生產(chǎn)定制廣州市八千里貨架,公司地址:廣州市白云區(qū)黃石西路222號(hào)歐亞達(dá)家居4樓。
Especially around the display table and cash register near the entrance, the space is large, the guests are comfortable to move up, wipe each other out of date, and will not collide with each other. Guangzhou Eight Thousand Miles Shelf Co., Ltd., specializing in the production of custom clothing shelves, jewelry shelves, clothing shelf products spot: KKV shelves,KM men's shelves, Carmen clothing shelves, fast fashion men's shelves, HM menswear shelves, GXG men's shelves, GAP men's shelves, ZARA menswear shelves, ZARA menswear shelves, Boszingway men's clothing shelves, Diconi men's shelves, Lucati Long men's shelves, Florence men's shelves, Diremen shelves, Canudi Road men's shelves, Flanders men's shelves, NOME home shelves, NOME men's shelves, oce home shelves, jewelry shelves spot: jewelry shelves, lenle jewelry shelves, Green Party jewelry shelves, Famous creation of excellent goods shelves, love Hui excellent shelves, shang excellent goods shelves, Han Shang excellent shelves, meet your beauty jewelry shelves, Sanfu shelves, the green party jewelry shelves, oops jewelry shelves, 2 yuan store shelves, 9.9 jewelry shelves, 2358 Korean leisure department store shelves, mother and child shelves, home textile shelves.More shelf production custom Guangzhou city Eight Thousand Mile storage rack Co.,Ltd. company address: Guangzhou Baiyun District, Yellowstone West Road 222 Eurasian home 4th floor.
KKV主打產(chǎn)品貨架 kkv精品集合店 kkv零售快時(shí)尚
KKV主打產(chǎn)品貨架 kkv精品集合店 kkv零售快時(shí)尚
According to public information, the use of such a model of kk Group, its makeup category to maintain a weekly new, at least 300 new products per month on the shelves, once a month to carry out an iteration, product band in three months to six months, far beyond the traditional channels. Can not do these buyer model efficiency is worrying, does not have a large-scale basis, brand stores are basically not concerned about the product, do is to sell leasing.
At present, the capital market attention is high data eye-catching boutique boutique store brands, in addition to KK Group, there is also HARMAY is also this model. Two one is to do the net red department store, one is to do big-name cosmetics, from the business category and core ability, there is a fundamental difference.
KK main import network red burst products and customized, is through overseas direct and cash direct, no account period and redundant back-office costs to obtain the brand supplier's stable supply and low procurement prices, and then with the growing procurement volume plus high-quality commercial real estate site and store packaging in exchange for the brand's customized cooperation. Customized cost-effective net red burst products for KK to bring fixed user traffic and high inventory turnover, using these flows and supply chain management capabilities, KK has the ability to build their own new red burst.
KKV主打產(chǎn)品貨架 kkv精品集合店 kkv零售快時(shí)尚
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