Download the 3M 40 MC19 technical data sheet (TDS) and the 3M 40MC19 safety data sheet (SDS) from Silmid today. Once you havelogged in or signed up, the datasheet will be visible for downloadif one is available.Please login to accessdatasheets
Pack Size
12mm x 66Mt Roll
Product Colour
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Excellent Performance - generates very low levels of staticcharge even in dry conditions of 10% relative humidity (RH).
Proprietary Technology - transparent polyester film tape withacrylic adhesive. Made with a proprietary technology, the tapegenerates extremely low levels of triboelectric charge when it isunwound from the roll and also when removed from most surfaces onwhich it is placed. This makes the tape an excellent choice for usenear electronic components and assemblies.
Printed for Protection - printed on the adhesive side with the3M logo and the ESD Protective Symbol. This reminds workers that 40tape is one of the only utility tapes you should allow instatic-safeguarded areas.
Office/Clean Room/Work Station - Holding notes of work orders,holding obstruction down third hand, general purpose
Manufacturing - Close static shielding bags, conformalcoating/maskins, holding and sealing supplies
Packaging - Box, bag and container sealing/holding DIP Tubes,removing contaminants, labelling stock
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