Download the 3M 4016 technical data sheet (TDS) and the 3M 4016safety data sheet (SDS) from Silmid today. Once you have logged inor signed up, the datasheet will be visible for download if one isavailable.Please login to accessdatasheets
Pack Size
1.6mm x 19mm x 13.7Mt Roll
Product Colour
Manufacturer Name
Manufacturer Part Number
Airbus Helicopters CM
Please Note: Specifications and approvals are subject to change atany time. Users should always consult their AMM or the OEM whenselecting products to ensure items have the release needed. Onlyspecifications listed on the order confirmation will be certifiedon the Silmid CofC.
The open cell Urethane foam tape that offers high shear strengthwhen used in interior applications. This extraordinary tape adheresto broad ranges of surfaces, including metals, plastics andwood.
High shear strength on metal and high surface energyplastics
Durable foam is ideal for interior mounting applications
Off-white colour provides a clean appearance Ideal for bonding,attaching and mounting
Thick foam dampens and prevents vibration
Open-cell structure aids component cooling
Suitable for soft PVC
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