Download the 3M 434 technical data sheet (TDS) and the 3M 434safety data sheet (SDS) from Silmid today. Once you have logged inor signed up, the datasheet will be visible for download if one isavailable.Please login to accessdatasheets
Pack Size
0.19mm x 51mm x 55Mt Roll
Product Colour
Manufacturer Name
Manufacturer Part Number
HMS 15-1195
Please Note: Specifications and approvals are subject to change atany time. Users should always consult their AMM or the OEM whenselecting products to ensure items have the release needed. Onlyspecifications listed on the order confirmation will be certifiedon the Silmid CofC.
Our tape is a low temperature, dead soft, silver, aluminium foiland acrylic polymer adhesive. The constraining layer is coated witha pressure sensitive backing, type 830 viscoelastic polymer on ablue polyethylene easy release liner. This absorbs and dissipatesvibration, noise, and metal fatigue. The adhesive is optimised toconvert vibrational energy to negligible heat that readilydissipates. Its versatile, resists chemicals, cold temperature andUV degradation.
Its cold temperature resistance allows it to perform at extremelylow temperatures.Use 3M Vibration Damping Tape 434 to die-cutaluminium foil parts for aerospace. Our versatile tape absorbs anddissipates vibration, noise, and metal fatigue. It resists coldtemperature and UV degradation.
Get weather and UV degradation resistance
Die-cut aluminium foil parts for aerospace
Reflect and dissipate cold temperatures, vibration, UV andchemicals
Use to die-cut aluminium foil parts for aerospace
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