• Stage 1

Participants complete pre-course reading and a SWOT analysis of their business. Participants will start this self-paced work in early 2021. 

  •  Stage 2

Participants attend an online workshop. The Quebec edition is to be held from February 22 to March 18, 2021, and the Alberta edition from April 6 to 29, 2021.

  • Stage 3

Participants prepare their business plans to be delivered by May 28, 2021, for those attending the Quebec edition of the program, or June 25, 2021 for those attending the Alberta program.

  • Stage 4

Participants receive one-to-one feedback on their submitted business plans in June for those in the Quebec program, or July for those attending the Alberta program.

  • Stage 5

Participants attend online workshops on the fundamentals of financial modelling. For both Quebec and Alberta participants this will take place from August 3 to 29, 2021.